13 months! 13 months deputamadre! That's how long I have ruled around in Spain :D
11 months in Vigo and 2 additional in Gran Canaria. Wouldn't change it for anything!
I know I was a lazy writer but not because there wasn't nothing to talk about, there was just so much action going on.
Surfing every day with my dear board. Btw the size is 6'8. And it's red :D Now it belongs to Cesar, my flatmate. Lucky him!
At first I wanted to visit more islands (there's 7 of them and some extra small, La graciosa for example that has to be graciosa but I wanna see it with my own eyes) but days flew by so fast and money even faster. So thanks to my other flatmate German and his superkind family I had awesome time in Tenerife! I ate grapes just from the garden picking by myself :D And mandarins and lemons, i love that climate and exotic fruits!
I also had quality time with Javi and his family in Arinaga. They practicly made me feel like a part of their family and they were feeding me a lot!
Maria and Menxu were the best beach girls and party mates. Also all the other AEGEE realted Canarian people. I already miss them like crazy! I will be back!
The legendary weekend route: Aloha, Delta, Mojo! Damn! I miss those places!
Heidi and Kadri came to visit me for a week so it was a intensive week with no sleep and a lot of parties!
I met Las Palmas erasmus people, reminding me how was our first month in Vigo, everybody a bit lost and a bit worried and struggeling with the language... But having parties every fucking day!
I really felt that Las Palmas is my home. I can live there, some years for sure! So if ther's a job for me I'm gonna continue with the waves. The best season just strarted! And I'm hooked!